Application Information:

Thank you for considering the Arrow Leadership Programme. All the information requested helps us to make a prayerful and considered decision. Please be sure to complete it thoughtfully and with care. Rushed applications rarely do the applicant any favours.

Please note that we anticipate the vast majority of people applying will be eminently suitable. However, there are certain criteria we use to select participants to ensure a good balance in the group (for example, we are looking for a group across the target age range). Therefore we want to remind all applicants that application does not in any way guarantee acceptance onto the Programme.

If you require any assistance please contact Andy Hewitt (Arrow Director) on or +44 7739 891691 

Be assured that throughout the process we are praying for each applicant.


Dates for ALP8 as follows:

Preparation Day – 5th September 2025 (venue tbc)

Residential 1 – 5th-9th October 2025

Residential 2 – 1st-5th March 2026

Residential 3 – 4th-8th October 2026

Residential 4 – 7th-11th March 2027

Celebration Evening – 15th April 2027

Participants must be present on all of these occasions.



Preparation Day TBC
Residential One will be held at: Drumalis Retreat Centre, Larne
Residentials 2, 3, 4 (Venue TBC)



The fee for the Arrow Leadership Programme 8 is £3300 (payable via £300 deposit and 4 installments of £750 in advance of each residential). We would not want considerations of cost to prevent anyone from applying for Arrow. There are a number of sources that previous participants have drawn from such as; personal funds, local church support, denominational grants, organisational support, and gifts.

From time to time we get information on support funds that we might be able to access as an organisation, or that participants might be able to apply for, we will keep you up to dates with such information. Following the offer of a place on the Arrow programme we ask for a non-refundable deposit of £300 followed by payments (of £750) to be made prior to each residential.


What some recent participants have said:

Arrow for me has been one of the most refreshing and insightful “courses” I have ever committed to. Not that the word “course” does the process of Arrow justice. Arrow is not just another leadership development course – it is much deeper than that. God has this wonderful habit of bringing us to a place where we desperately want to meet him in a deeper and more intimate way – if you are hungry for that – then I couldn’t recommend the process, the journey and the adventure of Arrow any more highly.

Jasper Rutherford

Christ in Youth

Arrow has helped me to increase my self-awareness and confidence as a child of God and a Christian leader in the present and given me a ‘tool kit’ for the future’.

Leanne Dunlop


The Arrow leadership programme is extremely difficult to concisely explain its impact. For me its been a time of equipping with essential practical tools for Church leadership. Its also been a time of thinking deeply about my own Christian discipleship and relationship with God. The genius of Arrow in my humble opinion is the time taken to build authentic community where conversations about church, faith and life can happen. Yes it is a great cost in terms of time and finances but it has been an investment well made. If you’re thinking about arrow … do it!

Robert Ferris

Associate Minister, Carrigrohane Union of Parishes